Ett Tape som man inte får MISSA!!!
Affection by Dreamon
Först vill jag tacka K.J för rekommendationen om denna tape. Överfet...
Norge har visat vad dom kan och jag ska ta reda på mer!
Norge har visat vad dom kan och jag ska ta reda på mer!
Mer info klicka HÄR
Affection is a mixtape collaboration project between the artists Marcus Only & Dreamon,
where Marcus Only is the singer, and Dreamon is the rapper.
the mixtape is inspired by Chris Brown and Tyga's project Fan of a Fan,
where the two artists got together and did a full length mixtape, releasing it for free on the internet.
all songs is original tracks, except for other credits / listing.
Affection is a mixtape collaboration project between the artists Marcus Only & Dreamon,
where Marcus Only is the singer, and Dreamon is the rapper.
the mixtape is inspired by Chris Brown and Tyga's project Fan of a Fan,
where the two artists got together and did a full length mixtape, releasing it for free on the internet.
all songs is original tracks, except for other credits / listing.